The information and map (numbered) of the 47 prefectures and cities of Japan

Japan, an island nation located in East Asia, is divided into 47 prefectures, each with its own unique cultural, economic, and geographical characteristics. A numbered map of Japan’s prefectures helps both residents and visitors easily identify locations and understand the administrative structure of the country.

Administrative Structure

Japan’s 47 prefectures are categorized as follows:

  • 1 “to” (Tokyo Metropolis)
  • 1 “dō” (Hokkaido)
  • 2 “fu” (Osaka and Kyoto Prefectures)
  • 43 “ken” (Prefectures)

Numbered Prefectures

Each prefecture is numbered from 1 to 47, often following a geographical or alphabetical order. Here are some key prefectures:

  1. Hokkaido (北海道): The largest island and northernmost prefecture of Japan.
  2. Aomori (青森県): Located at the northern tip of Honshu.
  3. Iwate (岩手県): Situated in the northeast of Honshu.
  4. Miyagi (宮城県): Nhật Bản to the famous city of Sendai.
  5. Akita (秋田県): Known for the Kanto Matsuri festival.
  6. Yamagata (山形県): Famous for its beautiful mountainous landscapes.
  7. Fukushima (福島県): Located in the Tohoku region.

Roles of the Numbered Map

  • Education: Helps students and learners easily memorize the locations and names of the prefectures.
  • Tourism: Assists tourists in identifying and planning their trips.
  • Administrative Management: Facilitates regional division and governance by administrative bodies.

Notable Prefectures

  • Tokyo (東京都, Prefecture No. 13): The capital and political, economic center of Japan.
  • Osaka (大阪府, Prefecture No. 27): Japan’s second-largest economic hub.
  • Kyoto (京都府, Prefecture No. 26): Renowned for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance.
MAP OF 47 PROVINCES AND CITIES OF JAPAN. PETA 47 PROVINSI DAN KOTA JEPANG. ផែនទីនៃខេត្ត និងទីក្រុងចំនួន 47 នៃប្រទេសជប៉ុន.
MAP OF 47 PROVINCES AND CITIES OF JAPAN. PETA 47 PROVINSI DAN KOTA JEPANG. ផែនទីនៃខេត្ត និងទីក្រុងចំនួន 47 នៃប្រទេសជប៉ុន.

The numbered map of Japan’s prefectures is not only a useful tool for education and administrative management but also an essential means for discovering and understanding the diversity and richness of the country. By numbering each prefecture, the map facilitates easy reference and learning, fostering a deeper comprehension of Japan’s geography and culture.

Introduction to the 47 Prefectures of Japan

Japan is divided into 47 prefectures, each with its unique characteristics, population, and area. Below is a table introducing each prefecture with its code, name, Kanji name, Hiragana name, population as of 2020, and area in square kilometers.

01 Hokkaido 北海道 ほっかいどう 5,281,297 83,456.58
02 Aomori 青森県 あおもりけん 1,232,852 9,645.64
03 Iwate 岩手県 いわてけん 1,209,513 15,275.01
04 Miyagi 宮城県 みやぎけん 2,305,596 7,282.22
05 Akita 秋田県 あきたけん 966,490 11,637.54
06 Yamagata 山形県 やまがたけん 1,077,666 9,325.15
07 Fukushima 福島県 ふくしまけん 1,848,257 13,783.90
08 Ibaraki 茨城県 いばらきけん 2,828,750 6,097.19
09 Tochigi 栃木県 とちぎけん 1,903,734 6,408.28
10 Gunma 群馬県 ぐんまけん 1,942,456 6,362.28
11 Saitama 埼玉県 さいたまけん 7,342,682 3,797.75
12 Chiba 千葉県 ちばけん 6,281,892 5,157.61
13 Tokyo 東京都 とうきょうと 14,064,696 2,194.07
14 Kanagawa 神奈川県 かながわけん 9,241,344 2,415.81
15 Niigata 新潟県 にいがたけん 2,170,267 12,584.18
16 Toyama 富山県 とやまけん 1,044,588 4,247.61
17 Ishikawa 石川県 いしかわけん 1,137,649 4,186.09
18 Fukui 福井県 ふくいけん 765,247 4,190.49
19 Yamanashi 山梨県 やまなしけん 817,192 4,465.37
20 Nagano 長野県 ながのけん 2,048,790 13,561.56
21 Gifu 岐阜県 ぎふけん 1,991,390 10,621.29
22 Shizuoka 静岡県 しずおかけん 3,637,998 7,777.42
23 Aichi 愛知県 あいちけん 7,552,873 5,172.92
24 Mie 三重県 みえけん 1,780,770 5,774.41
25 Shiga 滋賀県 しがけん 1,412,916 4,017.36
26 Kyoto 京都府 きょうとふ 2,580,525 4,612.19
27 Osaka 大阪府 おおさかふ 8,839,469 1,905.14
28 Hyogo 兵庫県 ひょうごけん 5,466,190 8,400.94
29 Nara 奈良県 ならけん 1,321,805 3,691.09
30 Wakayama 和歌山県 わかやまけん 924,933 4,724.65
31 Tottori 鳥取県 とっとりけん 553,407 3,507.19
32 Shimane 島根県 しまねけん 665,205 6,707.99
33 Okayama 岡山県 おかやまけん 1,856,786 7,113.21
34 Hiroshima 広島県 ひろしまけん 2,711,830 8,479.63
35 Yamaguchi 山口県 やまぐちけん 1,358,336 6,112.28
36 Tokushima 徳島県 とくしまけん 696,358 4,146.80
37 Kagawa 香川県 かがわけん 949,182 1,876.66
38 Ehime 愛媛県 えひめけん 1,313,524 5,676.44
39 Kochi 高知県 こうちけん 698,029 7,103.93
40 Fukuoka 福岡県 ふくおかけん 5,103,679 4,986.40
41 Saga 佐賀県 さがけん 809,248 2,440.68
42 Nagasaki 長崎県 ながさきけん 1,314,078 4,130.88
43 Kumamoto 熊本県 くまもとけん 1,748,134 7,409.35
44 Oita 大分県 おおいたけん 1,131,647 6,339.59
45 Miyazaki 宮崎県 みやざきけん 1,073,301 7,735.31
46 Kagoshima 鹿児島県 かごしまけん 1,599,779 9,187.01
47 Okinawa 沖縄県 おきなわけん 1,466,870 2,281.15

This table provides a comprehensive overview of the 47 prefectures of Japan, including key information such as population and area, offering a glimpse into the diverse regions that make up this fascinating country.